Electronic Devices
Personal Devices
Many modern cellular phones can record audio, pictures and video information. Students are asked not to use such functions while on school property to protect the privacy of those who attend our school. Students can no longer have cellular phones and electronic devices during instructional time. Students must keep these devices in their lockers during class time unless a teacher explicitly requests their students to bring them to class. Students who use an electronic device during a class without their teacher's permission may have it confiscated for a specific length of time. Parents or guardians may be asked to come to the school to reclaim such items.
Teachers and administration reserve the right to examine files stored on electronic devices if it is reasonable to assume that privacy codes or test-taking rules have been violated. Files found in violation of school rules will be removed from such devices.
SSS Technology User Agreement & Digital Citizenship
Accessing wireless technology using all types of devices allows students to use the internet to develop skills as critical thinkers and problem solvers. Peace Wapiti Public School District provides technology resources, including internet access on school and personally owned devices, student email accounts, software, personal file storage, cloud file storage, and all hardware attached to the network.
Through the PWPSD locally controlled Google Apps for Education (GAFE) network, students can email, share, create and collaborate with other students and teachers in the division from any web-enabled device. Students will be assigned an account via a login and an email address. This account (password, email, data and document storage) may be accessed and managed by Division personnel. This account is housed on Google servers. This server space is controlled by PWPSD personnel and is not accessed by Google personnel or scanned for advertising purposes. Virus scanners scan it to ensure the safety and integrity of the files. This GAFE account provides opportunities for students and teachers to develop digital literacy competencies within the safety of a Division-managed email, document and collaboration system.
We believe that access to technology is vital to a student's education. With this access comes the responsibility to use these tools, including student-owned devices, ethically, efficiently, courteously, and legally. Acceptable uses of technology are devoted to activities that support teaching and learning. Students are responsible for good behaviour just as they are in a traditional school building. It is illegal to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language. Students will not overuse or maliciously attack network resources such as, but are not limited to, storage space and bandwidth. Access is vital to all students, so fair, thoughtful use is expected.
Communication with others should always be school-related. Students should never say anything online that they wouldn't want to be posted on a school bulletin board or in the local newspaper. Students should notify the teacher of anything inappropriate or uncomfortable. Bullying will not be tolerated, and the privacy of others should be respected at all times.
All students who wish to access technology in the school must sign and abide by the policy regarding acceptable use. Infractions regarding this policy will result in restrictions, suspensions, or complete termination of the use of school technology.